Friday, April 30, 2010

Stop Yelling At Me

I went to our office this morning to dispatch my regularly scheduled radio shift. (Remember, always use Veterans Cab, the greatest taxi cab company in Richmond, Virginia!) As soon as I got there one of my drivers called me and started complaining that another dispatcher was yelling at him for doing what I had told him to do. ("Whenver you carry a customer in your cab," I'd told the driver, "Always give them your cell phone number so they call you directly if they need another cab. No matter how long it takes you to get back to them, never let them call the main office because we want their money in OUR pockets, not another driver's or owner's.") So what if the customer had to wait three hours for a cab? Well, me and the other dispatcher got into a heated discussion, for about the thousandth time in the last several years. He wants to run the cab company like a proper business, which I just think is a ridiculous idea. If we did that, I'd have to start showing up for work on time...ON TIME. That's crazy. No one should have to be at work when they're scheduled to. Forty-five minutes, an hour, hour and a half late--that's totally okay, you know? And if we ran it like a proper business, then everyone who works there would be making a lot of money and that is just insane. My uncle/father Butch and I are the only ones who are supposed to be raking in the dough, not these other guys who put in a lot of hours and really try to help the company grow. Screw them. (Well, some of them. Not all. A few of them aren't worthy of my bedroom.)

Then, eighteen or nineteen customers called to complain that they weren't getting decent service when I was dispatching cabs. That didn't bother me--I try to get at least thirty or forty complaints against me in a day--gotta keep my title as Worst Of The Worst at Veterans Cab, you know--but a few of them really yelled at me. Screaming and stuff. One customer said that I'd made them wait two hours for a taxi cab to Chippenham Hospital and caused them to not get there to say goodbye to her grandfather before he died. So? Is that MY problem? She should have just called him on the phone and said what she had to say.

So please, people, STOP YELING AT ME. I've got enough worries in my life as it is. I've got an embarrassing tattoo to get rid of, my car still hasn't been found after a night of wild partying, and for some reason my computer keeps telling me I've got mail even though every time I go outside to the mailbox there's nothing in it. Go yell at someone else.

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